Operetta and Musical Gala: “Life is Beautiful”

Operetta and Musical Gala
April 15, 2021
Invitation to the Waltz
April 15, 2021
Operetta and Musical Gala
April 15, 2021
Invitation to the Waltz
April 15, 2021

Operetta and Musical Gala: “Life is Beautiful”

Conductor: Lucian Vladescu


Amelia Antoniu, Florin Budnaru, Cristian Caraman, Raluca Ciocă, Viorel Ciurdea, Gabriela Daha, Ligia Dună, Bianca Ionescu, Daniel Madia, Mioara Manea-Arvunescu, Marius Mitrofan, Tina Munteanu, Gladiola Nițulescu, Claudia Măru-Hanghiuc, Cătălin Petrescu, Orest Pîslariu-Ranghilof, Silvia Șohterus, Ștefan Popov, Doina Scripcaru, Emil Spătaru, Patricia Seymour, Valentino Tiron, Mediana Vlad, Antonel Zidaru.

With the participation of Chorus and Orchestra of the National Theatre of Operetta and Musical “Ion Dacian”.


Launched in 2009, together with the second edition of the International Arts Festival of the Musical Show “Life is beautiful!”, The Gala series is completed, every year, with of events that bring together the two artistic dimensions that make up the activity of the institution, Operetta and Musical.

Over the years, it has taken place in multiple forms and contexts, from concert halls to outdoor spaces and from national days to festivals.

Operetta and Musical Gala “Life is beautiful” includes selections from the most acclaimed operetta and musical works in history, performed by the soloists and the Chorus of the National Theatre of Operetta and Musical “Ion Dacian”, accompanied by The orchestra of the institution, under the baton of conductor Lucian Vladescu and represents, both for operetta and musical lovers, as well as for the general public, an opportunity to watch a show full of brilliance and vitality conceived as a colorful scenario in which they meet famous characters of musical stories that have captivated audience everywhere.

Show details

Conductor: Lucian Vlădescu
Chorus Conductor: Gabriel Popescu